My apologies for a late posting of our next meeting:

The next meeting for the WWV Amateur Radio Club will be held on Thursday, July 25 , 2024, at 6pm MDT via Zoom.  General club meetings throughout 2024 will continue to be the 4th Thursday of each month; November and December 2024 will be the 3rd Thursday due to holiday conflicts.

The Zoom meetings will be open at 5:30pm MDT/MST for shooting the breeze for about 30 minutes until our meeting STARTS OFFICIALLY AT 6PM MDT.

Please log in to see the meeting information details and to access Zoom information.

There will be a new Zoom invitation with a new passcode for 2024 posted, and that invite will be forwarded in emails to the membership a few days before each meeting.  This will also be updated on the website.

Use the menu item "Our Club" and then "Meeting Information."  Please contact if you have any issues logging in.



We hope to see you Thursday, July 25, 2024, at 6pm MDT


If you are a returning member from 2023, membership renewal will make you an active member through 2024.  To RENEW, you must be logged in.  Expired memberships can log in up until 3/31/24 to allow renewing users to follow this link: RENEW

If you are not a member or it is after March 31, 2024, please consider joining our club and supporting our efforts to promote WWV, it's historic and current value to radio science, and indirectly support continuation of the NIST Time and Frequency services.  Please join using this link: JOIN


December 6, 2023 - Fort Collins, CO

Welcome and thank you for your interest in the WWV Amateur Radio Club

The WWV ARC was created in January 2019 to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of NIST Radio Station WWV, located near Fort Collins, Colorado since 1966.  After the very successful October 2019 100th anniversary SES, several of the organizers kept the club loosely together and in the fall of 2020 discussions of re-writing the by-laws got rolling.  We registered with the State of Colorado as a non-profit in December 2020, and in April 2021 we established new by-laws and elected a re-organized Board.  WWV ARC is a recognized ARRL affiliated club as of May 28, 2021.  General membership opened in late summer 2021, and we are now in our third "re-organized" year.

We look forward to exploring and supporting a variety of amateur radio topics, citizen science amateur radio initiatives, metrology themes and issues, historical ties between amateur radio and NIST, as well as continued support for radio stations WWV, WWVB, and WWVH and the NIST Time and Frequency services of the US Government.

WW0WWV on the air the beginning of October; A solar eclipse on October 14, 2023 and April 8, 2024

The WWV ARC was on-the-air between September 29 through October 1, 2023.  Our club members made nearly 3000 QSOs during our 60 hours of operations.  Logs have been uploaded to LoTW and OQRS, and visit our webpage (WW0WWV) for QSL information.

October 14, 2023, will be the first of two major solar eclipses (the other April 8, 2024) when an annular solar eclipse will traverse the country from Oregon south-eastward through the 4-corners area, and then across Texas, Central America, and the north of South America.  We'll be supporting and their eclipse parties that are planned.  More info to follow.

Tune In: The WWV Frequency Celebration, celebrated 100 years of standard frequency broadcasts.

The WWV Amateur Radio Club, along with the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST), HamSCI (, and the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery ( celebrated 100 years of standard frequency broadcasts from Radio Station WWV on March 2-4, 2023.  The museum hosted an historic talk by Glenn Nelson, WWV station technician, and also a scientific talk by HamSCI representatives on the Grape Personal Space Weather Station.  March 3 NIST opened it's doors for tours of the Boulder lab as well as the WWV station north of Fort Collins.  Saturday, March 4, more than a half dozen clubs gave a public display of amateur radio at the Museum of Discovery with tables and talks for the general public.  We were super busy for three days, then our members spent the next week on-air with the special event station (SES) WW0WWV.

We hope to see you here in Fort Collins or have a QSO on the air soon!


Dave Swartz, WØDAS

WWV ARC President