My apologies for a late posting of our next meeting:

The next meeting for the WWV Amateur Radio Club will be held on Thursday, July 25 , 2024, at 6pm MDT via Zoom.  General club meetings throughout 2024 will continue to be the 4th Thursday of each month; November and December 2024 will be the 3rd Thursday due to holiday conflicts.

The Zoom meetings will be open at 5:30pm MDT/MST for shooting the breeze for about 30 minutes until our meeting STARTS OFFICIALLY AT 6PM MDT.

Please log in to see the meeting information details and to access Zoom information.

There will be a new Zoom invitation with a new passcode for 2024 posted, and that invite will be forwarded in emails to the membership a few days before each meeting.  This will also be updated on the website.

Use the menu item "Our Club" and then "Meeting Information."  Please contact if you have any issues logging in.



We hope to see you Thursday, July 25, 2024, at 6pm MDT