last updated August 26, 2024

Frequency Measurement Practice Page

The WWV Amateur Radio Club ( will hold a Frequency Measurement Practice for its members and other interested amateurs prior to the November 2024 FMT.  The practices have typically been from 7pm until 8pm or so, MDT/MST (it changes then) via Zoom and on the air, on several Wednesdays before the event, historically early to mid November.  The November 2024 dates have not been posted.

We’ll take the first 30 minutes of each evening to discuss several techniques for making measurements, including fldigi, spectrum analyzer, and comparison to a local GPSDO.  Another evening we’ll review a method using fldigi and share a guide to a tried-and-true method written by John Gibbons, N8OBJ, a WWVARC member (link below).

Each evening we’ll do a key down, coordinated through the Zoom meeting, from here in Colorado and from somewhere in the Eastern time zone. After the discussion of the techniques, typically by 7:40pm, we’ll find a spot on 80m and 40m for some test broadcasts and then compare notes.  We won’t have Rubidium standards, but we’ll lock our rigs to GPSDOs and do our best.

We’ve done this as a club activity prior to the FMT for the past several times, and we hope others who are interested can join in the fun.  This activity is VERY informal.

Again the actual dates for the November FMT have not been announced.  See for the official notice.  We hope you can join in.



John Gibbons, N8OBJ, has created a document to guide you on FMPs using fldigi:  How to Perform an FMT utilizing fldigi